Welcome To LEEDGen+ !


your trusted partner for business process outsourcing solutions.

We are a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about driving sustainable growth for businesses across various industries. Our mission is to empower our clients to focus on their core competencies while we take care of their non-core functions.

At LEEDGen+, we provide customized and cost-effective solutions to meet our clients' unique needs. Our services range from marketing and sales to engineering solutions, We leverage the latest technologies and industry best practices to deliver top-notch results.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. We constantly strive to exceed our clients' expectations and deliver measurable results that drive long-term success.

Real-Estate Industry

Are you looking for a reliable partner to help you grow your real estate business in the United States?

Whether you are a realtor, wholesaler, cash buyer, you need a proven system to generate leads consistently, set appointments, and close deals. That's where we come in.

Solar Industry

Looking to expand your solar installation business? Want to connect with more potential customers who are interested in solar energy? Look no further. We specialize in generating qualified leads and increasing sales for solar installers like you. Our scalable and flexible outsourcing solutions provide you with a team of experienced and professional sales representatives who can help you access untapped markets, conduct market research, and close more deals.

Engineering Solutions

Outsourcing your construction services can be a strategic move to optimize your resources and reduce overhead costs.

At LEEDGen+, we offer comprehensive civil, infrastructure, and architectural services to help you execute your projects with precision and efficiency.

Our team of experienced professionals leverages cutting-edge technologies and innovative design approaches to deliver sustainable, cost-effective, and high-quality solutions that meet your unique needs.


Our mission is to deliver affordable and scalable business solutions to individuals and businesses across various industries, including real estate, solar, and construction. We empower our clients to reduce their overhead costs by providing flexible and customizable outsourcing solutions, eliminating the need for them to hire, train, and manage an in-house team. Our unparalleled services include professional sales representatives who conduct comprehensive market research, identify off-market properties, and negotiate deals, as well as exceptional civil, infrastructure, and architectural services. By leveraging our expertise, our clients can focus on their core competencies and achieve their business objectives with ease.


Our vision is to be the leading provider of affordable and scalable business solutions, empowering individuals and businesses across various industries to achieve their goals and maximize their growth potential. We strive to deliver unparalleled services that foster innovation, sustainability, and excellence, while building long-term relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and mutual success. By leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions, we aim to create a more efficient and sustainable future for our clients and the communities we serve.


We as an outsourcing company, always maintain a culture of excellence, innovation and continuous improvement, and invest in the skills and development of our employees. We always aim to understand the needs and goals of our clients and provide solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements. We seek to build long-term relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency and mutual respect; and this is achieved by communicating openly and honestly with our clients and seeking feedback to improve our performance.

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