
Real-Estate Wholesaling made simple

Written by M.Riash | LEEDGen+ | Jul 14, 2023 3:45:42 AM

Real estate wholesaling is a strategy that involves finding and contracting with motivated sellers who want to sell their properties quickly and for a discount, and then assigning those contracts to end buyers who are willing to pay more. The wholesaler makes a profit by charging a fee for their services, usually a percentage of the difference between the contract price and the end buyer's price.

Wholesaling can be a lucrative and relatively low-risk way to get started in real estate investing, as it does not require much capital, credit, or experience. However, it does require some research, marketing, negotiation, and networking skills. Here are some steps to follow if you want to start real estate wholesaling:


A 7-step process for wholesaling real estate


1. Learn the basics of wholesaling.

You should understand the legal and ethical aspects of wholesaling, such as how to write a valid contract, how to disclose your role as a wholesaler, and how to avoid violating any laws or regulations. You should also familiarize yourself with the local market conditions, such as the average prices, demand, and supply of properties in your area. 

2. Build your buyers list.

A buyers list is a database of potential end buyers who are looking for properties in your area. You can find them by attending local real estate events, networking with other investors, advertising online or offline, or using social media platforms. You should aim to have at least 10-20 qualified buyers on your list before you start looking for deals.


3. Find motivated sellers.

Motivated sellers are those who need to sell their properties fast and for a discount, usually due to financial or personal reasons. You can find them by using various marketing strategies, such as direct mail, bandit signs, online ads, cold calling, or referrals. You should target sellers who have equity in their properties, meaning they owe less than what the properties are worth.


4. Analyze the deals.

Once you find a potential deal, you need to analyze it to determine if it is worth pursuing. You should estimate the after repair value (ARV) of the property, which is what it would sell for after being fixed up. You should also estimate the repair costs, holding costs, closing costs, and your desired profit margin. You can use the following formula to calculate the maximum amount you can offer to the seller:

Maximum offer = ARV x 0.7 - Repair costs - Wholesaling fee

The 0.7 factor accounts for the typical 30% discount that end buyers expect from wholesalers.

5. Negotiate and sign the contract.

If you find a deal that meets your criteria, you need to negotiate with the seller and agree on a price and terms. You should use a standard purchase agreement that clearly states that you have the right to assign the contract to another buyer for a fee. You should also include contingencies that allow you to back out of the deal if you cannot find an end buyer or if the property does not pass inspection.

6. Find an end buyer and assign the contract.

After signing the contract with the seller, you need to find an end buyer who is willing to pay more than what you agreed with the seller. You can use your buyers list or market the property online or offline. Once you find an interested buyer, you need to assign the contract to them for a fee, which is your profit. You should use an assignment agreement that transfers all your rights and obligations under the original contract to the end buyer.

7. Close the deal and collect your fee.

The final step is to close the deal and collect your fee from the end buyer. You can either do a double closing or a single closing. A double closing involves two separate transactions: one between you and the seller, and another between you and the end buyer. A single closing involves one transaction where both contracts are executed simultaneously at the same title company or attorney's office. The advantage of a double closing is that it protects your privacy and prevents the seller or the end buyer from knowing how much you made on the deal. The disadvantage is that it involves higher closing costs and more paperwork. The advantage of a single closing is that it saves time and money on closing costs and paperwork. The disadvantage is that it exposes your fee and may cause some issues with the seller or the end buyer.

Whichever method you choose, make sure that everything is done legally and ethically, and that all parties are satisfied with the outcome.


Common Challenges And Pitfalls

However, wholesaling is not without its challenges and pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes that beginners should avoid when starting out:

Not doing enough due diligence on the property or the seller.

You should always verify the condition of the property, the title status, the liens or encumbrances, and any other relevant information before signing a contract with a seller. You should also check if the seller is trustworthy and motivated enough to sell at a discount.

Not having enough exit strategies.

You should always have a backup plan in case you cannot find an end buyer or if the deal falls through for some reason. You can either renegotiate the contract with the seller, cancel the contract and forfeit your earnest money deposit, or close on the property yourself and resell it later.

Not marketing the property effectively.

You should always use multiple channels and methods to market the property to your buyers list and beyond. You should also highlight the benefits and features of the property, such as the location, the potential profit, and the urgency of the deal.

Not communicating clearly and frequently with all parties involved.

You should always keep the seller, the end buyer, and any other intermediaries informed of the progress and status of the deal. You should also address any questions or concerns that may arise along the way.

Not following up and following through.

You should always follow up with your leads, prospects, and clients until you close the deal. You should also follow through on your promises and commitments, such as delivering the documents, paying the fees, and closing on time.